
Building Use Request

If you have any request to use our building please contact us here or fill out our DIGITAL BUILDING REQUEST FORM and email it to

Upcoming Events

Music Updates

Bell Choir and Choir are taking a break for the summer!

Band Rehearsals: Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm

Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday Evenings at 7:30pm

Bell Choir: Monday Evenings at 6:30pm

Bible Studies

Men’s Bible Study:

The Men’s Bible Study will be on summer break until September.  Please check this space for information about upcoming studies this fall.

Sermon Weekly Bible Study:

Wednesdays at 10:00am

We will be studying the scripture for the upcoming Sunday morning. You can also now join us on Zoom using the following link:

Women's Bible Study:

Women’s Bible study will be on summer break until September. Please check this space for information about upcoming studies this fall. If you have any questions please contact Kay Grant 208-571-6792.